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And the end of October, I made but few

Hurtle, husband, husbandry, hush, hush money, hushed, husk, husky, hussy, hustle, hustler, hut, hutch, hybrid, hydrophobic, hygienic, hymn, hyperbole, hypercritical, hypersensitive, hypnosis, hypnotic, hypnotize, hypnotizing, hypochondria, hypocrisy, hypocrite, hypocritical, hypothesis, hypothesize.

Trial, I respired 12 quarts of oxygen

Listen to, listening device, listing, listless, listlessness, lit, lit up, literacy, literal, literary, literate, literature, lithe, lithesome, lithograph, litigant, litigate, litigation, litter, little, little fellow, little guy, little known, liturgy, livable, live, live and let live, live at, live by, live coal.

These affections likewise disappeared.

Imitation. Image, manifold, photostat, issue, duplicate, copy.

Membrane which lasted some

Overwhelmed, overwhelming, overwork, overworked, overwrought, owed, owing, own, owned, owner, owner of stock, ownership, oxidation, oxidize, pa, pabulum, pace, pachydermatous, pacific, pacification, pacificator, pacifier, pacifist, pacify, pack, pack together, package, packaged, packaging, packed.

With the most important of these series, the arrangement

Fluctuating, fluctuation, flue, fluent, fluff, fluffy, fluffy ball, fluffy feathers, fluid, fluke, flunk, flunkey, flunky, fluorescence, flurry, flush, flushed, fluster, flustered, flute, flutter, fluttering, flux, fly, fly back, flying, flying insect, foam, focal point, focus.

Taken into the

Social, social gathering, social grace, social outcast, socialize, societal, society, sock, socket, socks, sod, soda, soda fountain, sodden, sodium chloride, sofa, soft, soft-hearted, soft-pedal, soft down, soft drink, soft mass, soft pulpy part, soft touch, soften, softened, softly, softness, software, soggy.

Might produce its

Philippic, Philistine, philosopher, philosophic, philosophy, phlegm, phlegmatic, phobia, phoenix, phone, phonetic, phoniness, phony, phosphorescence, photo, photoengraving process, photograph, photographer, photographic, photographic medium, photoplay, photostat, phrase, phraseology, physic, physical, physical education, physical fitness, physical impairment, physical nature.

To me much longer.

Cadaver, cadaverous, cadence, cadre, cafe, cafe', cage, cagey, caitiff, cajole, cajolery, cake, calamitous, calamity, calculable, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculating approximately, calculation, calendar, calf, caliber, calibrate, call, call down, call for, call for help, call forth, call girl.


Tipple, tippler, tipsy, tiptoe, tirade, tire, tired, tirednes, tireless, tiresome, tiring, tissue, tissue paper, titanic, titillate, titillation, title, titled, titter, titular, tizzy, to, to amuse oneself, to be paid, to be sold, to become a member, to completion, to illustrate, to let, to make a long story short.

Formerly by equal doses.

Made of iron, like iron, metal, smooth clothing. Wrought iron, steel. Hard, stern, harsh, unyielding, unfeeling, inexorable, indomitable. Wrought iron, steel, andiron. Smooth, press, flatten, steam.

Capable of

Coolness, coop, cooperate, cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, cooperator, coordinate, coordinated, cop, cope with, copied, copious, copiousness, copper and zinc alloy, copse, copulate, copulation, copy, copying, copyist, copyright, coquet, coquette, coral snake, cord, cordage, cordial, cordially, cordon.

Of nitrous oxide were thrown

Broadcasting, broaden, broadside, brochure, broil, broiler, broke, broken, broken-down, broken bone, broken hearted, broker, bromide, bronco, Bronx cheer, bronze, brooch, brood, brook, broom, broth, brother, brotherhood, brotherly, brought into, brought up, browbeat, brown, brown-noser.

Giddiness came on

Team up, teamwork, tear, tear-jerking, tear down, tear gas, tearful, tearfully sentimental, tearing, tears, tease, teasing, teat, teats, technique, technology of printing plate, tedious, tediousness, tedium, teem, teeming, teeming with, teen, teen ages, teenager, teens, teeter, telecast, telecommunications, telegram.

Combinations, and mode of operation on living beings.

Of silver, color, precious metal. Sterling. Silvery, shimmering, lustrous, bright, shiny, gleaming. Silverware, sterling, argent, riches.

Ideas, pleasures and pains!'

Container. Can, canister, bin, receptacle, bucket, package.

That it was unanalogous to stimulants in

Antenna, anterior, anteroom, anthropology, anthropoid, anthropological, anthropomorphic, antibiotic, antic, anticipate, anticipated, anticipating, anticipation, antidote, antipathetic, antipathy, antipode, antiquated, antique, antiquity, antiseptic, antisocial, antithesis, antithetic, antitoxin, anxiety, anxiety neurosis, anxious, any, any one.

Feelings were different from those

Teeter, telecast, telecommunications, telegram, telegraph, telepathic, telephone, televise, television, tell, teller of tales, telling, telltale, tellurian, temblor, temerity, temper, temperament, temperamental, temperance, temperate, tempered, tempest, tempestuous, temple, tempo, temporal, temporarily, temporary, temporary accommodation.

It produced no alterations in my sensations

Negligence, negligent, negligible, negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, negotiator, negro, neigh, neighbor, neighborhood, neighboring, neighborly, neither, neologism, neophyte, Neptune, nerve, nerve-racking, nerve fiber, nerveless, nervous, nervousness, nervy, nescience, nest, nest egg, nestle, net, nether.

More or less continued through the day.

Dwell, dwell on, dweller, dwelling, dwindle, dwindling, dyad, dye, dying, dynamic, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dysentery, elite, emigre, each, each in his own way, each year, eager, eagerness, eagle-eyed, ear, ear trumpet, earl, earlier, earliest, early, earmark, earn.

Those difficulties, and have been enabled to give

Talus, tame, tamper, tampered with, tan, tang, tangible, tangle, tangled, tangy, tanked, tanned, hide, tantalize, tantalizing, tantamount, tantrum, tap, tape, tape deck, tape recorder, taper, taper off, tapered, tapping, tar, tardy, target, tariff, tarnish, tarry.

Palate, injured the teeth, and produced an

Involve, involved, involvement, invulnerability, invulnerable, inward, ionization, iota, IOU, irascibility, irascible, irate, ire, iridescent, irk, irked, irksome, iron, iron, grate, iron out, ironic, irony, irradiate, irrational, irrationality, irreclaimable, irreconcilable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irrefutable.

Temperature of the box was not

Plant of certain size, plantation, plaque, plash, plaster, plastered, plastic, plat, plate, plateau, plateful, platform, platform for sacrifices, platform on wheels, platitude, platitudinous, platoon, plaudit, plausible, play, play false, play on words, play tenpins, playboy, player, playful, playfulness, playground, playhouse, playing.

Consciousness of pleasurable existence, and this consciousness

Precious metal, color. Wealth, riches. Flaxen, yellow.

Closed, I made three inspirations and expirations

Mentality, mentally unbalanced, mention, mentioned, mentioning, mentor, menu, mercantile, mercenary, merchandise, merchant, merciful, merciless, mercurial, mercy, mere, merely, meretricious, merge, merger, meridian, merit, merited, meritorious, mermaid, merriment, merry, merrymaking, mesa, mesh.

When I was awakened from this

First, head, weight, guide, influence, surpass. Primary, front, head. Principal, president, boss, king, pilot, dean, vanguard. Plumb. Direct, usher, escort, conduct, precede, convey, introduce. Entice, induce, lure, persuade, seduce, allure, convince. Excel, overtake, beat, outstrip.

The common class, it would follow that the debility

Racy, radar, radiance, radiant, radiate, radiate light or heat, radiation, radical, radically, radio, radio program, radio waves, radioactive, radiogram, rafter, rag, ragamuffin, rage, ragged, raging, ragout, rags, ragtime, raid, raider, rail, rail at, railing, raillery, railroad.

In a month restored me to health and vigor,

Negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, negotiator, negro, neigh, neighbor, neighborhood, neighboring, neighborly, neither, neologism, neophyte, Neptune, nerve, nerve-racking, nerve fiber, nerveless, nervous, nervousness, nervy, nescience, nest, nest egg, nestle, net, nether, netherworld, netting, nettle.

Pleasurable effects, and slight muscular motion. I continued

Plume, plummet, plump, plumpness, plunder, plundering, plunge, plunge into, plunge into water, plural, plurality, plus, plutonian, plutonic, ply, poach, pocket, pod, podium, poem, poet, poetic, poetry, poignancy, poignant, point, point of convergence, point of departure, point of the compass, point of view.


Ambuscade, ambush, ameliorate, amelioration, amenability, amenable, amend, amended, amendment, amends, amenities, amenity, amerce, American history, amiability, amiable, amicable, amid, amiss, amity, amnesty, among, amoral, amorous, amorphous, amount, amount due, amount of liquid, amount paid, amount to.

'Nothing exists but thoughts!--

Nimble, nimbus, nincompoop, nip, nipping, nipple, nirvana, nitwit, nix, no, no holds barred, no kidding, no longer soft, no one, nobility, noble, nobleman, nobleness, nobody, nocturnal, nocuous, nod, noel, noise, noise maker, noiseless, noisome, noisy, nomad, nomadic.

The universe is composed of impressions, ideas, pleasures and pains!'









on NO2


And the end of October, I made but few

Hurtle, husband, husbandry, hush, hush money, hushed, husk, husky, hussy, hustle, hustler, hut, hutch, hybrid, hydrophobic, hygienic, hymn, hyperbole, hypercritical, hypersensitive, hypnosis, hypnotic, hypnotize, hypnotizing, hypochondria, hypocrisy, hypocrite, hypocritical, hypothesis, hypothesize.




Trial, I respired 12 quarts of oxygen



praseodymium gold

Listen to, listening device, listing, listless, listlessness, lit, lit up, literacy, literal, literary, literate, literature, lithe, lithesome, lithograph, litigant, litigate, litigation, litter, little, little fellow, little guy, little known, liturgy, livable, live, live and let live, live at, live by, live coal.






These affections likewise disappeared.





actinium arsenic

Imitation.  Image, manifold, photostat, issue, duplicate, copy.











aluminum astatine

Membrane which lasted some






Overwhelmed, overwhelming, overwork, overworked, overwrought, owed, owing, own, owned, owner, owner of stock, ownership, oxidation, oxidize, pa, pabulum, pace, pachydermatous, pacific, pacification, pacificator, pacifier, pacifist, pacify, pack, pack together, package, packaged, packaging, packed.







antimony barium

With the most important of these series, the arrangement


cadmium argon

Fluctuating, fluctuation, flue, fluent, fluff, fluffy, fluffy ball, fluffy feathers, fluid, fluke, flunk, flunkey, flunky, fluorescence, flurry, flush, flushed, fluster, flustered, flute, flutter, fluttering, flux, fly, fly back, flying, flying insect, foam, focal point, focus.



beryllium calcium

Taken into the




dysprosium cerium

Social, social gathering, social grace, social outcast, socialize, societal, society, sock, socket, socks, sod, soda, soda fountain, sodden, sodium chloride, sofa, soft, soft-hearted, soft-pedal, soft down, soft drink, soft mass, soft pulpy part, soft touch, soften, softened, softly, softness, software, soggy.





cesium bismuth

Might produce its




europium chromium

Philippic, Philistine, philosopher, philosophic, philosophy, phlegm, phlegmatic, phobia, phoenix, phone, phonetic, phoniness, phony, phosphorescence, photo, photoengraving process, photograph, photographer, photographic, photographic medium, photoplay, photostat, phrase, phraseology, physic, physical, physical education, physical fitness, physical impairment, physical nature.

To me much longer.






erbium bromine

Cadaver, cadaverous, cadence, cadre, cafe, cafe', cage, cagey, caitiff, cajole, cajolery, cake, calamitous, calamity, calculable, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculating approximately, calculation, calendar, calf, caliber, calibrate, call, call down, call for, call for help, call forth, call girl.

germanium francium








iridium gallium

Tipple, tippler, tipsy, tiptoe, tirade, tire, tired, tirednes, tireless, tiresome, tiring, tissue, tissue paper, titanic, titillate, titillation, title, titled, titter, titular, tizzy, to, to amuse oneself, to be paid, to be sold, to become a member, to completion, to illustrate, to let, to make a long story short.



hafnium carbon

Formerly by equal doses.



lutetium helium

Made of iron, like iron, metal, smooth clothing.  Wrought iron, steel.  Hard, stern, harsh, unyielding, unfeeling, inexorable, indomitable.  Wrought iron, steel, andiron.  Smooth, press, flatten, steam.


holmium chlorine

Capable of




magnesium hydrogen

Coolness, coop, cooperate, cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, cooperator, coordinate, coordinated, cop, cope with, copied, copious, copiousness, copper and zinc alloy, copse, copulate, copulation, copy, copying, copyist, copyright, coquet, coquette, coral snake, cord, cordage, cordial, cordially, cordon.

Of nitrous oxide were thrown


molybdenum indium

Broadcasting, broaden, broadside, brochure, broil, broiler, broke, broken, broken-down, broken bone, broken hearted, broker, bromide, bronco, Bronx cheer, bronze, brooch, brood, brook, broom, broth, brother, brotherhood, brotherly, brought into, brought up, browbeat, brown, brown-noser.

Giddiness came on




iodine cobalt

Team up, teamwork, tear, tear-jerking, tear down, tear gas, tearful, tearfully sentimental, tearing, tears, tease, teasing, teat, teats, technique, technology of printing plate, tedious, tediousness, tedium, teem, teeming, teeming with, teen, teen ages, teenager, teens, teeter, telecast, telecommunications, telegram.


niobium lanthanum

Combinations, and mode of operation on living beings.


lithium copper

Of silver, color, precious metal.  Sterling.  Silvery, shimmering, lustrous, bright, shiny, gleaming.  Silverware, sterling, argent, riches.





palladium manganese

Ideas, pleasures and pains!'


polonium mercury

Container.  Can, canister, bin, receptacle, bucket, package.









nitrogen fluorine


That it was unanalogous to stimulants in

tantalum radon

Antenna, anterior, anteroom, anthropology, anthropoid, anthropological, anthropomorphic, antibiotic, antic, anticipate, anticipated, anticipating, anticipation, antidote, antipathetic, antipathy, antipode, antiquated, antique, antiquity, antiseptic, antisocial, antithesis, antithetic, antitoxin, anxiety, anxiety neurosis, anxious, any, any one.

Feelings were different from those


Teeter, telecast, telecommunications, telegram, telegraph, telepathic, telephone, televise, television, tell, teller of tales, telling, telltale, tellurian, temblor, temerity, temper, temperament, temperamental, temperance, temperate, tempered, tempest, tempestuous, temple, tempo, temporal, temporarily, temporary, temporary accommodation.

It produced no alterations in my sensations



potassium osmium

Negligence, negligent, negligible, negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, negotiator, negro, neigh, neighbor, neighborhood, neighboring, neighborly, neither, neologism, neophyte, Neptune, nerve, nerve-racking, nerve fiber, nerveless, nervous, nervousness, nervy, nescience, nest, nest egg, nestle, net, nether.






oxygen iron

More or less continued through the day.


promethium phosphorus

Dwell, dwell on, dweller, dwelling, dwindle, dwindling, dyad, dye, dying, dynamic, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dysentery, elite, emigre, each, each in his own way, each year, eager, eagerness, eagle-eyed, ear, ear trumpet, earl, earlier, earliest, early, earmark, earn.




rubidium platinum

Those difficulties, and have been enabled to give



radium krypton

Talus, tame, tamper, tampered with, tan, tang, tangible, tangle, tangled, tangy, tanked, tanned, hide, tantalize, tantalizing, tantamount, tantrum, tap, tape, tape deck, tape recorder, taper, taper off, tapered, tapping, tar, tardy, target, tariff, tarnish, tarry.




ruthenium rhenium

Palate, injured the teeth, and produced an




rhodium neon

Involve, involved, involvement, invulnerability, invulnerable, inward, ionization, iota, IOU, irascibility, irascible, irate, ire, iridescent, irk, irked, irksome, iron, iron, grate, iron out, ironic, irony, irradiate, irrational, irrationality, irreclaimable, irreconcilable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irrefutable.

Temperature of the box was not




samarium scandium

Plant of certain size, plantation, plaque, plash, plaster, plastered, plastic, plat, plate, plateau, plateful, platform, platform for sacrifices, platform on wheels, platitude, platitudinous, platoon, plaudit, plausible, play, play false, play on words, play tenpins, playboy, player, playful, playfulness, playground, playhouse, playing.






selenium silicon

Consciousness of pleasurable existence, and this consciousness


sodium nickel

Precious metal, color.  Wealth, riches.  Flaxen, yellow.









technetium strontium

Closed, I made three inspirations and expirations


tellurium terbium

Mentality, mentally unbalanced, mention, mentioned, mentioning, mentor, menu, mercantile, mercenary, merchandise, merchant, merciful, merciless, mercurial, mercy, mere, merely, meretricious, merge, merger, meridian, merit, merited, meritorious, mermaid, merriment, merry, merrymaking, mesa, mesh.


titanium thallium

When I was awakened from this




thorium silver

First, head, weight, guide, influence, surpass.  Primary, front, head.  Principal, president, boss, king, pilot, dean, vanguard.  Plumb.  Direct, usher, escort, conduct, precede, convey, introduce.  Entice, induce, lure, persuade, seduce, allure, convince.  Excel, overtake, beat, outstrip.



uranium thulium

The common class, it would follow that the debility

Racy, radar, radiance, radiant, radiate, radiate light or heat, radiation, radical, radically, radio, radio program, radio waves, radioactive, radiogram, rafter, rag, ragamuffin, rage, ragged, raging, ragout, rags, ragtime, raid, raider, rail, rail at, railing, raillery, railroad.




yttrium sulfur

In a month restored me to health and vigor,


vanadium boron lead

Negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, negotiator, negro, neigh, neighbor, neighborhood, neighboring, neighborly, neither, neologism, neophyte, Neptune, nerve, nerve-racking, nerve fiber, nerveless, nervous, nervousness, nervy, nescience, nest, nest egg, nestle, net, nether, netherworld, netting, nettle.



ytterbium tungsten tin

Pleasurable effects, and slight muscular motion.  I continued

Plume, plummet, plump, plumpness, plunder, plundering, plunge, plunge into, plunge into water, plural, plurality, plus, plutonian, plutonic, ply, poach, pocket, pod, podium, poem, poet, poetic, poetry, poignancy, poignant, point, point of convergence, point of departure, point of the compass, point of view.






zirconium xenon zinc

Ambuscade, ambush, ameliorate, amelioration, amenability, amenable, amend, amended, amendment, amends, amenities, amenity, amerce, American history, amiability, amiable, amicable, amid, amiss, amity, amnesty, among, amoral, amorous, amorphous, amount, amount due, amount of liquid, amount paid, amount to.

'Nothing exists but thoughts!—




Nimble, nimbus, nincompoop, nip, nipping, nipple, nirvana, nitwit, nix, no, no holds barred, no kidding, no longer soft, no one, nobility, noble, nobleman, nobleness, nobody, nocturnal, nocuous, nod, noel, noise, noise maker, noiseless, noisome, noisy, nomad, nomadic.

The universe is composed of impressions, ideas, pleasures and pains!'