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Ritual Magic

A few times, a great deal, a la mode, aback, abaft, abandon, abandoned, abandoned baby, abandonment, abase, abasement, abash, abashed, abashment, abate, abatement, abating, abbey, abbot.
Awry, ax, axiom, axiomatic, axis, axle, azure, babbitt, babble, baby, baby cat, baby goat, babyhood, babyish, bacchanal, bacillus, back, back and forth, back of the foot, back up, backbiting, backbone, backer, backfire.
Aborigine, abort, abortion, abortive, abound, abound with, abounding, abounding in snow, about, above, above-board, aboveboard, abrade, abrade a surface, abrasion, abrasive, abreast, abridge, abridgement, abroad, abrogate, abrogation, abrupt.
Accused, accuser, accustom, accustomed, ace, acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acerbity, ache, achievable, achieve, achieved, achievement, aching, achromatic, acicular, acid, acidify, acidity, acidulous, acknowledge, acknowledged, acknowledgment.
As usual, as well, as well as, as yet, ascend, ascendancy, ascendant, ascending, ascension, ascent, ascertain, ascertainable, ascertained, ascetic, ascribe, asexual, ash, ashamed, ashen, ashes, Asia, aside, aside from, asinine.
East. Middle East, far east, orient.
Actress, actual, actuality, actualize, actually, actuate, acumen, acuminate, acupuncture, acure, acuteness, adage, adamant, adamantine, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adapted, add, add-on, add salt, add to, add up.
Ecclesiastic official, ecclesiastics, echelon, echo, eclat, eclectic, eclipse, economic, economic slump, economical, economy, ecstasy, ecstatic, eczema, eddy, edge, edge of the mouth, edgeways, edging, edgy, edible, edible pulpy mass, edict, edification.
Activitist for peace, activity, actor, actress, actual, actuality, actualize, actually, actuate, acumen, acuminate, acupuncture, acute, acuteness, adage, adamant, adamantine, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adapted, add, add-on.
Admit, admittance, admitted, admitting, admix, admixture, admixure of metals, admonish, admonishing, admonition, ado, adobe, adolescence, adolescent, adopt, adoptive parent, adorable, adoration, adore, adored, adorn, adorn with pictures, adorned, adorning.
Damning, damp, dampen, damper, dampness, damsel, dance, dander, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, dankness, dapper, dapple, dappled, dare, daring, dark, dark-skinned, darken.
Damn, damn with faint praise, damnable, damnation, damned, damning, damp, dampen, damper, dampness, damsel, dance, dander, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, dankness, dapper, dapple, dappled.
Damning, damp, dampen, damper, dampness, damsel, dance, dander, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, dankness, dapper, dapple, dappled, dare, daring, dark, dark-skinned, darken.
Alarm, alarmed, alarming, alarum, albeit, album, alcohol, alcohol addict, alcoholic, alcove, alderman, alehouse, alert, alertness, alibi, alien, alienate, alienation, alight, alighting, align, align with, alignment, alike.
Animal's bony outgrowth, animal's mother, animal's talon, animal flesh, animal handler, animal or vegitable, animal sound, animal substance, animate, animated, animation, animosity, annalist, annals, anneal, annex, annexation, annihilate, annihilation, anniversary, annotate, annotation, announce, announce publicly.
Ancient, ancient artifact, ancient times, ancillary, and, andiron, anecdote, anemic, anesthetic, anesthetize, anesthetized, anew, angel, angelic, anger, angered, angle, angle for, angled, angrily, angry, anguish, angular, animadversion.
Antecedent, antecedents, antechamber, antedate, antediluvian, antenna, anterior, anteroom, anthology, anthropoid, anthropological, anthropomorthic, antibiotic, antic, anticipate, anticipated, anticipating, anticipation, antidote, antipathetic, antipathy, antipode, antiquated, antique.
Anticipating, anticipation, antidote, antipathetic, antipathy, antipode, antiquated, antique, antiquity, antiseptic, antisocial, antithesis, antithetic, antitoxin, anxiety, anxiety neurosis, anxious, any, any one, any printed matter, any time, anyhow, anyone, anything forged.
Antacid, antagonism, antagonist, antagonistic, antagonize, antecedent, antecedents, antechamber, antedate, antediluvian, antenna, anterior, anteroom, anthology, anthropoid, anthropological, anthropomorphic, antibiotic, antic, anticipate, anticipated, anticipating, anticipation, antidote.
Appropriate, appropriately, appropriateness, appropration, approval, approve, approve of, approved, approving, approximate, approximately, approximation, appurtenance, appurtenant, apropos, apt, aptitude, aptness, aquatic, Arab, arable, arbiter arbitrary, arbitrate.
Abandonment, abase, abasement, abash, abashed, abashment, abate, abatement, abating, abbey, abbot, abbreviate, abbreviated, abbreviation, abdicate, abdication, abdomen, abdominal, abduct, abduction, abductor, abecedarian, aberrant, aberration.
Anywise, aorta, apart, apart from, apartment, apartment building, apartment house, apathetic, apathy, ape, aperture, apex, aphorism, aphoristic, apiece, aplomb, apocalypse, apocalyptic, apocryphal, apogee, apologetic, apologize, apology, apoplexy.
Apartment house, apathetic, apathy, ape, aperture, apex, aphorism, aphoristic, apiece, aplomb, apocalypse, apocalyptic, apocryphal, apogee, apologetic, apologize, apology, apoplexy, apostasy, apostate, apostle, apostolic, apothegm, apotheosis.
Approve of, approved, approving, approximate, approximately, approximation, appurtenance, appurtenant, apropos, apt, aptitude, aptness, aquatic, Arab, arable, arbiter, arbitrary, arbitrate, arbitration, arbitrator, arbor, arboretum, arcade, arcane.
Quip, quirk, quit, quite, quittance, quiver, quivering, quixotic, quiz, quizzical, quondam, quota, quotation, quote, rabbi, rabbit pen, rabble, rabble-rouser, rabid, race, racer, racial, racing vehicle, racism.
Racy, radar, radiance, radiant, radiate, radiate light or heat, radiation, radical, radically, radio, radio program, radio waves, radioactive, radiogram, rafter, rag, ragamuffin, rage, ragged, raging, ragout, rags, ragtime, raid.
Argue, argue about, argue against, argument, argumentation, argumentative, aria, arid, aridity, arise, arising, aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic, arithmetic, arm, arm band, arm joint, armada, armed conflict, armed force, armed guard, armed military craft, armed ship.
Atheistic, athlete, athletic, athletic event, athletics, atmosphere, atmospheric, atmospheric conditions, atom, atomic bomb, atomize, atone, atone for, atonement, atrocious, atrocity, attach, attache', attached, attached equipment, attachment, attack, attack with bombs, attack with claws.
Tamper, tamper with, tan, tang, tangible, tangle, tangled, tangy, tanked, tanned hide, tantalize, tantalizing, tantamount, tantrum, tap, tape, tape deck, tape recorder, taper, taper off, tapered, tapping, tar, tardy.
Ax, axiom, axiomatic, axis, axle, azure, babbitt, babble, baby, baby cat, baby goat, babyhood, babyish, bacchanal, bacillus, back, back and forth, back of the foot, back up, backbiting, backbone, backer, backfire, background.
Bail out, bait, bake, baked, baker, balance, balanced, balcony, bald, balderdash, baldheaded, bale, baleful, balk, balky, ball, ball bearing, ballad, balladeer, ballast, ballerina, ballet, ballet dancer, balloon.
Bankrupt, bankruptcy, bankruptcy sale, banned, banner, banquet, bantam, banter, bantering, baptism, baptize, bar, bar or club, barb, barbarian, barbaric, barbarism, barbarity, barbarous, barbecue, barbed, barbed spear, barbed wire, barber.
Burdensome, bureau, bureaucrat, bureaucratic, burgeon, burglar, burglarize, burglary, burgle, burial, burial ground, buried, burlesque, burly, burn, burn slowly, burn up, burned, burned out, burned up, burning, burning piece of wood, burnish, burnished.
Being broadcast, being clear or unclear, being continuous, being convenient, being final, being formed, being friends, being in shape, being meaningless, being precise and ceremonious, belabor, belated, belch, beleaguer, belie, belief, beliefs, believable, believe, believe in, believed, believer, believers, believing.
Satan. The devil, the archfiend, Fiend.
Perpetually, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuity, perplex, perplexed, perplexing, perplexity, perquisite, persecute, persecution, perseverance, persevere, persevering, persist, persistence, persistent, persistently, persisting, person, person arriving, person buying and selling, person dealing with money, person fleeing.
Barnyard, baron, baroque, barracks, barrage, barrel, barren, barrenness, barricade, barrier, barring, barrister, barroom, barrow, bartender, barter, basal, base, baseball, baseball concept, baseball diamond, baseborn, based on constitution, baseless.
Ceremonious, ceremony, cerise, certain, certainly, certainty, certificate, certificaton, certified, certify, certitude, cerulean, cessation, cesspool, chafe, chaff, chafing, chagrin, chagrined, chain, chains, chair, chairman, chalice.
Salty, salubrious, salutary, salutation, salutation with a drink, salute, salute with a drink, salvage, salvation, salve, salvo, same, same sound, sameness, sample, sanatorium, sanctification, sanctified, sanctify, sanctimonious, sanctimony, sanction, sancion or approve, sanctioned.
Salubrious, salutary, salutation, salutation with a drink, salute, salute with a drink, salvage, salvation, salve, salvo, same, same sound, sameness, sample, sanatorium, sanctification, sanctified, sanctify, sanctimonious, sanctimony, sanction, sancion or approve, sanctioned, sanctioning.
Calmly, calmness, calumniate, calumny, camaraderie, camber, camera mechanism, cameraman, camisole, camouflage, camp, campaign, campaigner, can, canaille, canal, cancel, cancellation, cancer, cancerous, candelabrum, candid, candidate, candidates.
Carry, carry on, carry out, carry over, carry through, cart, carte, cartel, cartilaginous, carton, cartoon, carve, carved, carving, cascade, case, cash, cash in, cash on delivery, cashier, casing, casket, casserole, cast.
Carousal, carouse, carouser, carp, carpet, carping, carriage, carrier, carrion, carry, carry on, carry out, carry over, carry through, cart, carte, cartel, cartilaginous, carton, cartoon, carve, carved, carving, cascade.
Keenness, keep, keep a steady pace, keep apart, keep away, keep back, keep busy, keep company, keep on, keep out, keep up, keeper, keeping, keepsake, ken, kennel, kept woman, kerchief, kernel, kettle, key, keyboard, kibbutz, kick.
Sell at auction, sell for, sell house-to-house, selling, semblance, semester, semi, seminar, semitransparent, senate, send, send by mail, send forth, sending, senile, senility, senior, senior citizen, sensation, sensational, sense, senseless, sensibility, sensible.
Cavalcade, cavalier, cave, cave in, caveat, cavern, cavil, caviling, cavity, cavort, cease, ceased to exist, ceaseless, ceaselessly, cede, ceiling, ceiling price, celebrate, celebrated, celebration, celebration of the mass, celebrity, celerity, celestial.
Characteristically, characterize, charade, charge, charge with electricity, chargeable, charged, charger, charisma, charitable, charity, charity ball, charlatan, charlatanism, charm, charmed, charmer, charming, chart, charter, chary, chase, chasm, chassis.
Divinity. God, messiah, Lord, the supreme being.
Choosy, chop, chore, chortle, chorus, chosen, chow, Christ, christen, christendom, Christian, Christian sacrament, Christian scriptures, Christmas, chronic, chronicle, chronological, chubby, chuck, chuckle, chum, chummy, chunk, chunky.
Knotted, knotty, know, know-how, know-it-all, know-it all, knowable, knowing, knowingly, knowledge, knowledgeable, known, knucklehead, kook, kowtow, kowtow to, kudos, kung-fu, label, labeled, labor, labored, laborer, laborious.
Creatively, creator, creature, credence, credentials, credibility, credible, credit, creditable, credo, credulous, creed, creek, creep, creosote, crest, crestfallen, cretin, crevasse, crevice, crew, crib, crime, criminal.
Damn, damn with faint praise, damnable, damnation, damned, damning, damp, dampen, damper, dampness, damsel, dance, dander, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, dankness, dapper, dapple, dappled.
Dampen, damper, dampness, damsel, dance, dander, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, dankness, dapper, dapple, dappled, dare, daring, dark, dark-skinned, darken, darkening, darkly.
Damages, damaging, dame, damn, damn with faint praise, damnable, damnation, damned, damning, damp, dampen, damper, dampness, damsel, dance, dander, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, dankness.
Tassled border, taste, tasteful, tasteless, tasty, tatter, tattered, tatters, tattle, tattler, tattletale, tattoo, taunt, taunting, taut, tauten, tautness, tautology, tavern, tawdry, tawny, tax, taxi, taxicab.
Dawdling, dawn, dawning, day, day of rest, daybreak, daydream, daydreamer, daylight, days of yore, daze, dazed, dazzle, dazzling, deacon, dead, dead end, dead heat, deaden, deadened, deadliness, deadlock, deadlocked, deadly.
Toxic, toxin, toy, toy with, trace, trace a line around, track, track down, tracks, tract, tractability, tractable, tractate, traction, trade, trade group, trademark, trader, tradesman, trading, tradition, traditional, traditionalist, traduce.
Tug, tuition, tumble, tumbling, tumescent, tumid, tummy, tumor, tumult, tumultuous, tune, tune in, tune up, tuneful, tunnel, turbid, turbulence, turbulent, turf, turgid, turkey, turmoil, turn, turn around.
Estate, esteem, esteemed, etimable, estimate, estimating, estimation, estrange, estranged, estrangement, estuary, etch, etch letters in metal, etching, eternal, eternal life, eternally, eternity, ethanol, ether, ethereal, etherealness, ethical, ethics.
Established mode of speech, establishing, establishment, estate, esteem, esteemed, estimable, estimate, estimating, estimation, estrange, estranged, estrangement, estuary, etch, etch letters in metal, etching, eternal, eternal life, eternally, eternity, ethanol, ether, ethereal.
Ecclesiastics, echelon, echo, eclat, eclectic, eclipse, economic, economic slump, economical, economy, ecstasy, ecstatic, eczema, eddy, edge, edge of the mouth, edgeways, edging, edgy, edible, edible pulpy mass, edict, edification, edifice.
Effulgent, effusive, egg, egghead, egocentric, egoism, egoistic, egotism, egotist, egotistic, egotistical, egregious, egress, egret, eiderdown, eighth month, ejaculate, ejaculation, eject, ejection, elaborate, elaborate plan, elaboration, elan.
Elaboration, elan, elapse, elapsed, elastic, elasticity, elate, elated, elation, elbow, elbowroom, elder, elderly, elderly person, elect, elected, election, electioneer, electorate, electors, electric appliance, electric chair, electric current, electric fixture.
Lend, lend a hand, lend itself to, lend oneself to, length, lengthen, lengthened, lenghwise, lengthy, lenience, leniency, lenient, lenity, lens, leprechaun, lesion, less, less and less, lessen, lessening, lesser, lesser part, lesson, let.
Engendering, engineer, engorgement, engrave, engraved plate, engraving, engross, engrossed, engrossing, engrossment, engulf, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enigma, enigmatic, enjoin, enjoy, enjoy life, enjoy oneself, enjoyable, enjoyment, enkindle, enlarge.
Embryo, embryonic, embryonic form, emend, emendation, emerge, emergence, emergency, emerging, emigrant, emigrate, emigrating, emigration, emigre, eminence, eminent, eminently, emissary, emission, emission of vapor, emit, emit low cry, emit semen, emit smoke.
Enfeeble, enfold, enforce, enforcement, enfranchise, enfranchisement, engage, engage in, engaged, engagement, engaging, engender, engendering, engineer, engorgement, engrave, engraved plate, engraving, engross, engrossed, engrossing, engrossment, engulf, enhance.
Fatigued, fatiguing, fatness, fatso, fatten, fatty, fatuity, fatuous, fault, faultfinder, faultfinding, faultless, faultlessness, faulty, faux, faux pas, favor, favorable, favorably, favorably inclined, favored, favorite, favorite pursuit, favoritism.
Vindictiveness, vintage, violate, violated, violation, violence, violent, violent death, violent disturbance, violent storm, violently, VIP, viper, virago, virgin, virginal, virginity, virile, virility, virtual, virtually, virtue, virtuoso, virtuous.
Flavorless, flaw, flawed, flawless, flawlessness, flaxen, flay, fleck, flecked, flee, fleece, fleeing, fleet, fleeting, flesh, fleshiness, fleshly, fleshy, fleshy protuberance, flexibility, flexible, flick, flicker, flicker over.
For good, for instance, for kicks, for now, for rent, for sale, for some time, for the time being, for what purpose, for what reason, forage, foray, forbear, forbearance, forbid, forbidden, forbidding, force, force out, forced, forceful, forcefulness, forceless, forcible.
Fracture, fragile, fragility, fragment, fragmentary, fragments, fragrance, fragrant, frail, frailty, frame, frame of mind, framework, franchise, frangible, frank, frankfurter, frankly, frankness, frantic, fraternal, fraternity, fraternization, fraternize.
Free, free-flowing, free-handed, free-lance, free of charge, free wheel, freebooter, freed, freedom, freedom from guilt, freeing, freeloader, freeloading, freely, freethinker, freeway, freeze, freezing, freight, frenetic, frenzied, frenzy, frequency, frequent.
Free wheel, freebooter, freed, freedom, freedom from guilt, freeing, freeloader, freeloading, freely, freethinker, freeway, freeze, freezing, freight, frenetic, frenzied, frenzy, frequency, frequent, frequenter, frequently, fresh, fresh maize, freshen.
Fuss, fussbudget, fussy, fustian, fusty, futile, futility, future, futuristic, fuzz, fuzzy, gab, gabardine, gabble, gadget, gaffe, gaffer, gag, gaggle, gaiety, gain, gain advantage over, gain on, gain subsistence.
Get out of shape, get ready, get rid of, get there, get to, get together, get up, getting, getting back to normal, getting dressed, getting well, getup, gewgaw, geyser, ghastly, ghetto, ghost, ghostlike, ghostly, ghoul, giant, gibber, gibberish, gibe.
Jackass, jacket, jackpot, jade, jaded, jag, jagged, jail, jailbird, jailed, jailer, jam, jam-packed, jammed, jangle, jar, jargon, jarred, jarring, jarring impact, jaundiced, jaunt, jaunty, javelin.
Gentle radiance, gentlefolk, gentleman, gentleness, gentlewoman, gently, gently break a habit, gentry, genuflect, genuflection, genuine, genuinely, genuineness, genus, geotectonic, germ, germ-free, germane, germinate, gestation, gesticualte, gesture, get, get ahead.
Gluey, glum, glut, glutinous, glutted, glutton, gluttonous, gluttony, gnarl, gnarled, gnat, gnaw, gnawing, gnome, go, go-between, go-getter, go after, go ahead, go around, go away, go back, go bankrupt, go beyond.
Good to eat, good turn, good will, goodies, goodness, goods, goodwill, gooey, goof, goofy, gook, goon, goose, goose egg, gore, gorge, gorged, gorgeous, gorilla, gory, gossamer, gossip, gossiping, Gothic.
Jewel, jewelry, jewels, Jewish priest, jib, jibe, jiffy, jig, jiggle, jingle, jingoist, jinx, jittery, jive, job, jock, jockey, jocose, jocular, jocund, jog, join, join forces with, join together.
Goofy, gook, goon, goose, goose egg, gore, gorge, gorged, gorgeous, gorilla, gory, gossamer, gossip, gossiping, Gothic, gotten better, gouge, gourmand, gourmet, govern, governing, governing body, government, government official.
Gook, goon, goose, goose egg, gore, gorge, gorged, gorgeous, gorilla, gory, gossamer, gossip, gossiping, Gothic, gotten better, gouge, gourmand, gourmet, govern, governing, governing body, government, government official, governmental.
Greatest, greatly, greatness, greed, greedy, greedy monster, Greek, green, greenhorn, greenhouse, greenness, greet, greeting, gregarious, gremlin, grenade, grid, griddle, grief, grievance, grieve, grieved, grieving, grievous.
Greenness, greet, greeting, gregarious, gremlin, grenade, grid, griddle, grief, grievance, grieve, grieved, grieving, grievous, grill, grim, grimace, grime, grimy, grin, grind, grinder, grinding, grip.
Joyous, jubilant, jubilatin, jubilee, Judas, judge, judgement, judgment, judicial, judiciary, judicious, judiciously, juice, juicy, jumble, jumbled, jump, jump out, jump over, jumpy, junction, juncture, junior, junket.
Type of earth, type of window, typewrite, typhoon, typical, typify, typing, typist, tyrannical, tyrannize, tyranny, tyrant, tyro, ubiquitous, ugliness, ugly, ugly grin, ulcer, ulterior, ultimate, ultimate cause, ultimately, ultimatum, umbrage.
Harlequin, harlot, harlotry, harm, harmed, harmful, harmless, harmonic, harmonious, harmonize, harmony, harness, harpoon, harpy, harrow, harrowing, harry, harsh, harshly, harshness, harvest, harvesting machine, hash, hash out.
Heedfulness, heedless, heel, hefty, hegemony, hegira, height, heighten, heightening,heinous, heir, heirloom, held, held up, helical, helix, hell, hellish, helmsman, help, help out, helper, helpful, helpfulness.
Hefty, hegemony, hegira, height, heighten, heightening, heinous, heir, heirloom, held, held up, helical, helix, hell, hellish, helmsman, help, help out, helper, helpful, helpfulness, helping, helpless, helter-skelter.
Hill, hillside, hilly, hilt, hind, hinder, hindering, hindmost, hindrance, hint, hint at, hinted at, hinterland, hippie, hire, hired hand, hired man, hired man for odd jobs, hireling, hiring, hirsute, hiss, historic, historical.
Hooked tool, hooked up, hooker, hoop, hoop skirt, hoot, hop, hope, hope for, hopeful, hopefulness, hopeless, hopelessness, hoping, horde, horizon, horizontal, horizontally, horn, horn in, horny, horrendous, horrible, horrid.
Hypersensitive, hypnosis, hypnotic, hypnotize, hypnotizing, hypochondria, hypocrisy, hypocrite, hypocritical, hypothesis, thypothesize, hypothetical, hysteria, hysterical, ice, ice-cream parlor, ice cream, iciness, icon, iconoclast, icy, icy precipitation, idea, ideal.
If, iffy, igneous, ignitable, ignite, ignited, ignoble, ignominious, ignominy, ignoramus, ignorance, ignorant, ignore, ignored, ill, ill-bred, ill-defined, ill-fated, ill-favored, ill-humored, ill-mannered, ill-natured, ill-seasoned, ill-starred.
Irreverence, irreverent, irreversible, irrevocable, irrigate, irritability, irritable, irritant, irritate, irritate a person, irritated, irritating, irritation, Ishmaelite, isolate, isolated, isolation, issuance, issue, issuing, it's a snap, it's easy, itch, itching.
Note. Bill, paper money.
Irretrievable, irreverence, irreverent, irreversible, irrevocable, irrigate, irritability, irritable, irritant, irritate, irritate a person, irritated, irritating, irritation, Ishmaelite, isolate, isolated, isolation, issuance, issue, issuing, it's a snap, it's easy, itch.
Shudder, shuffle, shun, shut, shut-eye, shut-in, shut down, shut in, shut off, shut out, shutter, shuttle, shy, shyster, sibling, sick, sick bay, sicken, sickened, sickening, sickliness, sickly, sickly person, sickness.
Written output, wrong, wrong name, wrongdoer, wrongdoing, wrongful, wrongly, wrought iron, wry, x-ray, Xanthippe, Xmas, xylograph, yahoo, yank, yap, yard, yardstick, yarn, yaw, yawn, yawp, yea, year.
Jarred, jarring, jarring impact, jaundiced, jaunt, jaunty, javelin, jaw, jazz, jazz up, jealous, jealously, jeer, jejune, jell, jelly, jellyfish, jennet, jeopardize, jeopardy, jerk, jerry-built, jest.
Jig, jiggle, jingle, jingoist, jinx, jittery, jive, job, jock, jockey, jocose, jocular, jocund, jog, join, join forces with, join together, joined, joined in order, joining, joint, jointly, joist, joke.
Join together, joined, joined in order, joining, joint, jointly, joist, joke, joker, joking, jollity, jolly, jolt, jolting, josh, joshing, jostle, jot, jot down, jounce, journal, jounalism, journalist, journey.
Judiciously, juice, juicy, jumble, jumbled, jump, jump out, jump over, jumpy, juncion, juncture, junior, junket, junkie, juridical, jurisdiction, just, just as though, just begun, justice, justifiable, justification, justifited, justify.
Knotted, knotty, know, know-how, know-it-all, know-it all, knowable, knowing, knowingly, knowledge, knowledgeable, known, knucklehead, kook, kowtow, kowtow to, kudos, kung-fu, label, labeled, labor, labored, laborer, laborious.
Laurel, lavatory, lavish, lavish event, lavishness, law, law enforcement, lawbreaker, lawful, lawfully, lawless, lawlessness, lawn, lawn-seat, lawsuit, lawyer, lax, laxity, lay, lay a wager, lay aside, lay away, lay bare, lay down.
Lapsed, larceny, lard, larder, large, large and clumsy, large boat, large nail, largely, largeness, larger, largess, lark, larva, lascivious, lasciviousness, lash, lash out, lass, lassie, lassitude, lasso, last, lasting.
Landing field, landlord, landmark, landowner, landscape, lane, language, languid, languish, languishing, languor, lank, lanky, lantern, lap, lapse, lapsed, larceny, lard, larder, large, large and clumsy, large boat, large nail.
Lethargy, letter, letter of credit, letter of introduction, letter of reference, letter writer, lettered, lettering, levee, level, level off, level surface, lever, leverage, levitate, levity, levy, lewd, lexical, lexicon, liability, liable, liaison, liar.
Lexical, lexicon, liability, liable, liaison, liar, libation, libel, libelous, liberal, liberality, liberate, liberated, liberation, libertine, liberty, libidinous, library, libretto, license, licensed, licensed operator, licentiate, licentious.
Lore, lose, lose blood, loser, loss, losses, lost, lot, lotion, loud, loud cry, loud noise, loud speaker, loudness, lounge, lounging around, louse, lout, loutish, lovable, love, love-making, love child, loved.
Lower oneself, lowering, lowest, lowest part, lowland, lowly, loyal, loyalist, loyalty, lubberly, lubricant, lubricate, lubricous, lucent, lucid, lucidity, Lucifer, luck, luckless, lucky, lucrative, lucre, ludicrous, lug.
Loyalty, lubberly, lubricant, lubricate, lubricous, lucent, lucid, lucidity, Lucifer, luck, luckless, lucky, lucrative, lucre, ludicrous, lug, lugubrious, lukewarm, lull, lullaby, lumber, lumbering, luminary, luminescence.
Satan. Beelzebub, fiend, Devil, serpent.
Lowest part, lowland, lowly, loyal, loyalist, loyalty, lubberly, lubricant, lubricate, lubricous, lucent, lucid, lucidity, Lucifer, luck, luckless, lucky, lucrative, lucre, ludicrous, lug, lugubrious, lukewarm, lull.
Lure, lurid, lurk, lurking, luscious, lush, lust, lust after, luster, lusterless, lustful, lustrous, lusty, lute, luxuriance, luxuriant, luxuriate, luxuriate in, luxurious, luxury, lying, lying down, lynch, lyre.
Magisterial, magistrate, magnanimity, magnanimous, magnate, magnetic, magnetism, magnetize, magnificence, magnificent, magnify, magnitude, magnum opus, magpie, maharini, mahogany, maid, maiden, maidenhood, maidenly, maidservant, mail, mail ship, mailer.
Malfeasance, malformation, malformed, malice, malicious, maliciousness, malign, malignancy, malignant, malignity, malinger, malleable, mallet, malodorous, maltreat, mama, mammal, mammoth, man, man-made, man from outer space, man of means, man without a country, manacle.
Manumit, manure, manuscript, many, many-sided, map, mar, maraud, marauder, marauding, march, margin, margin purchaser, marginal, marijuana, marina, marinade, marinated, marine, mariner, marionette, maritime, mark, mark down.
Market place, marketable, marketing, marking, marks, marmalade, maroon, marred, marriage, marriage broker, married man, marrow, marry, marsh, marshal, marshall, mart, martial, martial art, martyr, martyrdom, marvel, marvelous, Mary Jane.
Menial, mental, mental anguish, mental connection, mental disorder, mental images, mental power, mentality, mentally unbalanced, mention, mentioned, mentioning, mentor, menu, meracantile, mercenary, merchandise, merchant, merciful, merciless, mercurial, mercy, mere, merely.
Military force, military officer, military officers, military rank, military training, military walk, militia, milk, milksop, milky, milky way, mill, millennium, millet, milling, millstone, mime, mimic, mimicry, minaret, mince, mincing, mind, minded.
Midget, midnight, midpoint, midst, midway, mien, miff, might, mighty, migrant, migrate, migrate from elsewhere, migration, migratory, mild, mild anger, mildew, mildly, mildness, milestone, milieu, militant, militaristic, military.
Military officers, military rank, military training, military walk, militia, milk, milksop, milky, milky way, mill, millennium, millet, milling, millstone, mime, mimic, mimicry, minaret, mince, mincing, mind, minded, mindful, mindfully.
Nonsense, nonsensical, nonspecific, nonstop, nontransparent, nonviolent, nook, noontime, noose, norm, normal, normally, North American, northerly, nose, nose out, nosiness, nostalgic, nosy, not affirmative, not as big, not asked, not at all, not available.
Moreover, morning, moron, moronic, morose, morphine, morsel, mortal, mortality, mortar, mortgage, mortification, mortified, mortify, most, most inferior, most recent, mostly, mot, mote, motel, moth-eaten, mother, mother tongue.
Nimble, nimbus, nincompoop, nip, nipping, nipple, nirvana, nitwit, nix, no, no holds barred, no kidding, no longer soft, no one, nobility, noble, nobleman, nobleness, nobody, nocturnal, nocuous, nod, noel, noise.
Originating, origination, originator, ornament, ornament on the arm, ornamental, ornamental rod, ornamentation, ornamented, ornate, orphan, orphanage, orthodox, orthodoxy, oscillate, oscillation, osculate, osmosis, ossify, ostensible, ostensibly, ostentation, ostentatious, ostracism.
Organized religion, orgiastic, orgy, orient, orientation, orifice, origin, original, originality, originally, originate, originating, origination, originator, ornament, ornament on the arm, ornamental, ornamental rod, ornamentation, ornamented, ornate, orphan, orphanage, orthodox.
Rod, rogue, roguish, roil, role, roll, roll of parchment, roll up, roller, rollick, rollicking, roly-poly, roman god, romance, romantic, romanticist, romp, roof, roofing, rook, room, room and board, roomer, rooms.
Originating, origination, originator, ornament, ornament on the arm, ornamental, ornamental rod, ornamentation, ornamented, ornate, orphan, orphanage, orthodox, orthodoxy, oscillate, oscillation, osculate, osmosis, ossify, ostensible, ostensibly, ostentation, ostentatious, ostracism.
Patented, patently, paternal, path, pathetic, pathfinder, pathogen, pathos, patience, patient, patio, patois, patriarch, patriarchal, patrician, patrimonial, patrimony, patriot, patriotic, patriotism, patrol, patrolman, patron, patronage.
Patently, paternal, path, pathetic, pathfinder, pathogen, pathos, patience, patient, patio, patois, patriarch, patriarchal, patrician, patrimonial, patrimony, patriot, patriotic, patriotism, patrol, patrolman, patron, patronage, patronize.
Patrimonial, patrimony, patriot, patriotic, patriotism, patrol, patrolman, patron, patronage, patronize, patronizing, patrons, patter, pattern, paunch, pauper, pause, pave, pavement, paw, pawn, pay, pay attention, pay for.
Phantasmal, phantom, pharisaic, pharisee, pharmaceutical, phase, phase out, penomenal, phenomenon, philander, philanthropic, philanthropist, philanthropy, philharmonic, philippic, Philistine, philosopher, philosophic, philosophy, phlegm, phlegmatic, phobia, phoenix, phone.
Phantom, pharisaic, pharisee, pharmaceutical, phase, phase out, penomenal, phenomenon, philander, philanthropic, philanthropist, philanthropy, philharmonic, philippic, Philistine, philosopher, philosophic, philosophy, phlegm, phlegmatic, phobia, phoenix, phone, phonetic.
Plugged in, plumb, plume, plummet, plump, plumpness, plunder, plundering, plunge, plunge into, plunge into water, plural, plurality, plus, plutonian, plutonic, ply, poach, pocket, pod, podium, poem, poet, poetic.
Plume, plummet, plump, plumpness, plunder, plundering, plunge, plunge into, plunge into water, plural, plurality, plus, plutonian, plutonic, ply, poach, pocket, pod, podium, poem, poet, poetic, poetry, poignancy.
Plugged in, plumb, plume, plummet, plump, plumpness, plunder, plundering, plunge, plunge into, plunge into water, plural, plurality, plus, plutonian, plutonic, ply, poach, pocket, pod, podium, poem, poet, poetic.
Prudish, prune, prurient, pry, prying, pseudo, pseudonym, psyche, psychedelic, psychiatry, psychic, psychoanalysis, psychological, psychotic, pub, public, public-spirited, public building or room, public event, public house, public room, public sale, public servant, public speaker.
Railing, raillery, railroad, rain, rain gauge, rain gutter, rainbow-colored, rainless, rainy, raise, raised, rake, rakish, rally, ram, ramble, rambler, rambling, rambunctious, ramification, rampage, rampaging, rampant, rampart.
Ripple, riptide, rise, rising, risk, risky, risque, risque', rite, ritual, rival, rivalry, rive, river, rivet, rivulet, road, road house, roadway, roam, roaming, roar, roaring, roast.
Brazen, hardened, immoral. Bold, blatant, immodest, unabashed, unashamed, insolent, audacious. Adamant, obdurate, stony, hard, incorrigible. Corrupt, depraved, sinful, profligate, dissolute, reprobate, unchaste.
Sandbank, sane, sanguinary, sanguine, sanitarium, sanitary, sanitize, sanity, sap, sapience, sapient, sapless, sapphire, sappy, sarcasm, sarcastic, sardonic, sash, sashay, Satan, satanic, satchel, sate, satellite.
Fiend. The devil, the archfiend, Beelzebub.
Satin, satire, satiric, satirical, satirize, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, satisfying, saturate, saturated, saturation, Saturday and Sunday, sauce, saucer, sauciness, saucy, sauna, saunter, saute', savage, savageness, savagery.
Savagery, savant, save, saved, saving, savings, savoir-faire, savoir faire, savor, savorless, savory, saw, saw-toothed, sawhorse, say, saying, scabbard, scabby, scabrous, scaffold, scald, scalding, scale, scales.
Shattering, shave, shaving, shawl, shear, sheath, sheathe, shed, shed blood, sheen, sheep, sheepish, sheer, sheet, shelf, shell, shell out, shellac, shelter, shelter for cattle, sheltered, shelve, shelved, sheriff.
Esprit de corps, essay, essence, essential, essential element, essentially, establish, established, established mode of speech, establishing, establishment, estate, esteem, esteemed, estimable, estimate, estimating, estimation, estrange, estranged, estrangement, estuary, etch, etch letters in metal.
Ceremonious, ceremony, cerise, certain, certainly, certainty, certificate, certification, certified, certify, certitude, cerulean, cessation, cesspool, chafe, chaff, chafing, chagrin, chagrined, chain, chains, chair, chairman, chalice.
Shackle, shade, shaded, shadow, shadowy, shady, shaft, shag, shaggy, shake, shake-up, shake up, shakedown, shaken, shaking, shaky, shallow, shallowness, sham, shaman, shamble, shame, shamed, shamefaced.
Salty, salubrious, salutary, salutation, salutation with a drink, salute, salute with a drink, salvage, salvation, salve, salvo, same, same sound, sameness, sample, sanatorium, sanctification, sanctified, sanctify, sanctimonious, sanctimony, sanction, sanction or approve, sanctioned.
Sexually, sexually inadequate, sexy, shabby, shack, shackle, shade, shaded, shadow, shadowy, shady, shaft, shag, shaggy, shake, shake-up, shake up, shakedown, shaken, shaking, shaky, shallow, shallowness, sham.
Shudder, shuffle, shun, shut, shut-eye, shut-in, shut down, shut in, shut off, shut out, shutter, shuttle, shy, shyster, sibling, sick, sick bay, sicken, sickened, sickening, sickliness, sickly, sickly person, sickness.
Silly, silly laugh, silo, solt, silver, silverware, silvery, simian, similar, similarity, similarly, simile, similitude, simmmer, simper, simple, simple-minded, simple-mindedness, simpleton, simplicity, simplified, simplify, simplistic, simply.
Irrevocable, irrigate, irritability, irritable, irritant, irritate, irritate a person, irritated, irritating, irritation, Ishmaelite, isolate, isolated, isolation, issuance, issue, issuing, it's a snap, it's easy, itch, itching, itching to, itchy, item.
Symphonic, symphony, symposium, symptom, symptom of cold or flu, synchronous, syncopate, syndicate, syndrome, synonym, synopsis, synthesis, synthesize, synthetic, syrupy, system, system of administration, systematic, systematically, systematize, tab, tabernacle, table, tablet.
Solicitude, solid, solid earth, solid food, solidarity, solidification, solidified, solidify, solidity, solidly, solitary, solitary confinement, solitude, solo, solution, solve, solvent, somber, some, somebody, someday, somehow, something, something good to eat.
Collective, collector, college building, college of music, college teacher, collide, collide with, collision, colloquial, colloquial language, colloquialism, colloquy, collude, cologne, colonial state, colonist, colonize, colonnade, colony, color, coloration, colored, colorful, coloring.
Steelyard, steep, steep in water, steer, steersman, stem, stench, stentorian, step, step in, step lively, step on, step on it, step up, steps, stereotype, stereotyped, sterile, sterility, sterilize, sterilizing, sterling, stern, stew.
Step in, step lively, step on, step on it, step up, steps, stereotype, stereotyped, sterile, sterility, sterilize, sterilizing, sterling, stern, stew, steward, stick, stick on, stick out, stick together, sticker, sticking, stickle, sticky.
Talk foolishly, talk incoherently, talk wildly, talk with, talkative, talkativeness, talking, talking to, tall, tall structure, tall woody plant, tallness, tallow, tally, talon, talus, tame, tamper, tampered with, tan, tang, tangible, tangle, tangled.
Talk with, talkative, talkativeness, talking, talking to, tall, tall structure, tall woody plant, tallness, tallow, tally, talon, talus, tame, tamper, tampered with, tan, tang, tangible, tangle, tangled, tangy, tanked, tanned hide.
Thing, things, think, think about, think over, think up, thinkable, thinking, thirst, thirstiness, thirsty, thirty-six-inch ruler, this one, thither, thong, thorax, thorn, thorny, thorough, thoroughbred, thoroughfare, thoroughly, thoroughness, though.
Drumbeat, drumming, drunk, drunkard, drunken, dry, dry land, dryad, drying, dryness, dual, dub, dubiety, dubious, duck, duct, ductile, dud, dude, duds, due, dues, dugout, duke.
Usurpation, utensil, utilitarian, utility, utilization, utilize, utilized, utmost, utopia, utopian, utter, utterance, uttered, utterly, vacancy, vacant, vacate, vacating, vacation, vacation spot, vaccinate, vacillate, vacillating, vacillation.
Veneration, venereal disease, vengeance, vengeful, venial, venom, venomous, vent, ventilate, ventilation, ventilator, venture, venturesome, venturous, veracious, veracity, verbal, verbal effusion, verbalize, verbally abuse, verbatim, verbiage, verbose, verboseness.
Viewing, viewpoint, vigil, vigilance, vigilant, vigor, vigorous, vigorously, vile, vilification, vilify, village, villain, villainous, vinculum, vindicate, vindicated, vindication, vindictive, vindictiveness, vintage, violate, violated, violation.
Vindictiveness, vintage, violate, violated, violation, violence, violent, violent death, violent disturbance, violent storm, violently, VIP, viper, virago, virgin, virginal, virginity, virile, virility, virtual, virtually, virtue, virtuoso, virtuous.
Wield, wife, wife of a king, wiggle, wild, wild about, wild horse, wilderness, wildly, wile, wiliness, will, willful, willfully, willing, willingly, willingness, wilt, wily, wimp, win, win over, wince, wind.
Wiggle, wild, wild about, wild horse, wilderness, wildly, wile, wiliness, will, willful, willfully, willing, willingly, willingness, wilt, wily, wimp, win, win over, wince, wind, wind-swept, wind around, wind instrument.
Jewel, jewelry, jewels, Jewish priest, jib, jibe, jiffy, jig, jiggle, jingle, jingoist, jinx, jittery, jive, job, jock, jockey, jocose, jocular, jocund, jog, join, join forces with, join together.
Jiffy, jig, jiggle, jingle, jingoist, jinx, jittery, jive, job, jock, jockey, jocose, jocular, jocund, jog, join, join forces with, join together, joined, joined in order, joining, joint, jointly, joist.
Young, young dog, young fox, young man, young person, young wolf, young woman, youngster, youth, youthful, yowl, yule, yuletide, yummy, zany, zeal, zealot, zealous, zealous advocate, zenith, zephyr, zero, zest, zigzag.
Awe, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awfully, awkward, awl, awning, awry, ax, axiom, axiomatic, axis, axle, azure, babbitt, babble, baby, baby cat, baby goat, babyhood, babyish, bacchanal, bacillus.
Salt, salt away, salted, salty, salubrious, salutary, salutation, salutation with a drink, salute, salute with a drink, salvage, salvation, salve, salvo, same, same sound, sameness, sample, sanatorium, sanctification, sanctified, sanctify, sanctimonious, sanctimony.
Young person, young wolf, young woman, youngster, youth, youthful, yowl, yule, yuletide, yummy, zany, zeal, zealot, zealous, zealous advocate, zenith, zephyr, zero, zest, zigzag, zilch, zip, zit, zodiacally.