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Rotary Connexion

Filmgoer, filler, filmgoers.
Mouton, morton, motion, motto, moutons, motor, moron, motoring.
Goodie, goody, goodly, good, goaded, goodies, goad, godded, goods.
Smeary, smartly, smart, smear.
David, Davis, davit, dace, dale, dame, Dane, dare, daze.
Ripest, ripper.
Lovelies, loveless, lorgnettes.
ETA, ethane.
Fondle, foretell.
Andre, Andrew, Andorra, anode, anger, Anderson, anorexia.
Steve, stave, stele, stove, steelier, stein, steadier, steamier.
Bridle, bradded, bridles, bridled, braided, braider, bride, brandy, breaded.
Raves, rapers, ravels, ravens, raters, rave, rafters, raiders, raisers.
Woodcock, woodcocks.
Henry, Henries.
Repertoire, repertory, repertories, repertoires.
GR, grit, grate, grad, grid, grata, Greta, grits, gray.

Rootless, rootlet, rootstock, rope, ropes and pulleys, ropy, rose, rose-colored, roseate, rosette, roster, rostrum, rosy, rot, rotate, rotation, rotten, rotund, roue, rouge, rough, roughhouse, roughly, roughness.
Association, link, affiliation, amalgamation, relative. Relevance, correlation, bearing, pertinence, conjunction, dependence, coherence. Bond, attachment, tie, coupling, connective, junction, fastening. Kinship, reciprocity, respect, affinity, association, relationship, interdependence. Network, consolidation, incorporation, federation, alliance, circle, merger. Sibling, kin, relation, kinsman, kith.
Filibuster, filigree, filing system, fill, fill-in, fill in for, fill out, fill up, filled, filler, fillet, filling, film, film society, filmy, filter, filter into, filth, filthy, filtrate, fin, final, finale, finality.
Packing material, newspaper item. Packing, padding, stuffing. Features.
Filibuster, filigree, filing system, fill, fill-in, fill in for, fill out, fill up, filled, filler, fillet, filling, film, film society, filmy, filter, filter into, filth, filthy, filtrate, fin, final, finale, finality.
Mountain, mountainous, mountainous country, mountains, mountebank, mounting, mourn, mournful, mourning, mousy, mouth, mouth-watering, mouthful, mouthpiece, movable, movables, move, move a load, move at great speed, move clumsily, move downward, move forward, move in short leaps, move like a crab.
Moreover, morning, moron, moronic, morose, morphine, morsel, mortal, mortality, mortar, mortgage, mortificaton, mortified, mortify, most, most inferior, most recent, mostly, mot, mote, motel, moth-eaten, mother, mother tongue.
Action, gesture, suggestion. Gesture, stir, direction, move, stirring, course, movement. Gesticulate, sign, move, beckon, wave, call, prompt. Proposition, consideration, plan.
Saying, principle. Slogan, maxim, aphorism, catchword, axiom, adage. Formula, rule, truism, credo, tenet.
Mountain, mountainous, mountainous country, mountains, mountebank, mounting, mourn, mournful, mourning, mousy, mouth, mouth-watering, mouthful, mouthpiece, movable, movables, move, move a load, move at great speed, move clumsily, move downward, move forward, move in short leaps, move like a crab.
Mechanism. Device, contrivance, instrument, machine, implement, gadget, computer.
Fool. Idiot, imbecile, stupid person, wag, jerk, twerp.
Proxy, prude, prudence, prudent, prudery, prudish, prune, prurient, pry, prying, pseudo, pseudonym, psyche, psychedelic, psychiatry, psychic, psychoanalysis, psychological, psychotic, pub, public, public-spirited, public building or room, public event.
Good-bye, good-for-nothing, good-hearted, good-humored, good-looking, good-natured, good example, good fortune, good humor, good mental health, good time, good to eat, good turn, good will, goodies, goodness, goods, goodwill, gooey, goof, goofy, gook, goon, goose.
Moral, skillful, admirable, obedient, kind, worthy, reliable. Upright, virtuous, righteous, worthy, exemplary, conscientious, blameless. Proficient, qualified, able, adroit, capable, clever, dexterous. Commendable, excellent, exceptional, precious, capital, valuable, satisfactory. Heedful, tractable, well-behaved, dutiful, decorous. Humane, kindly, beneficent, benevolent, favorable, obliging, well-disposed. Deserving, honorable, immaculate, unblemished, unsullied, fair. Trustworthy, safe, competent, honest.
Something good to eat. Treat, prize, reward.
Urge. Impel, incite, induce, instigate, provoke, stimulate, spur.
Possessions, commodities. Belongings, effects, property, equipment, furniture, chattel. Stock, wares, merchandise.
Low mark, low spirits, lowborn, lowbred, lower, lower oneself, lowering, lowest, lowest part, lowland, lowly, loyal, loyalist, loyalty, lubberly, lubricant, lubricate, lubricous, lucent, ludid, ludidity, Lucifer, luck, luckless.
Sharp, vigorous, agile, bright, sly, dashing, fashionable. Keen, penetrating, poignant, severe, stinging, painful. Brisk, energetic, lively, active, effective, quick. Nimble, alert, prompt, quick, active. Intelligent, sharp, resourceful, clever, adroit, quick, ingenious. Cunning, crafty, shrewd, sharp, ingenious, quick, adept. Neat, trim, spruce, showy, pretentious. Stylish, chic, elegant, a la mode.
Smudge, smudge, spread, slander, defeat, soil. Daub, smutch. Besmear, dab, daub, plaster, bedaub. Cover, coat, apply, spray, paint. Libel, defame, slur, vilify, revile, insult, traduce. Beat, conquer, trounce. Sully, dirty, spatter, spot.
A few times, a great deal, a la mode, aback, abaft, abandon, abandoned, abandoned baby, abandonment, abase, abasement, abash, abashed, abashment, abate, abatement.
Dart, dash, dashing, dastard, dastardly, data, data base, date, date after, date back, dated, daub, daunt, dauntless, dawdle, dawdler, dawdling, dawn, dawning, day, day of rest, daybreak, daydream, daydreamer.
Dart, dash, dashing, dastard, dastardly, data, data base, date, date after, date back, dated, daub, daunt, dauntless, dawdle, dawdler, dawdling, dawn, dawning, day, day of rest, daybreak, daydream, daydreamer.
Dart, dash, dashing, dastard, dastardly, data, data base, date, date after, date back, dated, daub, daunt, dauntless, dawdle, dawdler, dawdling, dawn, dawning, day, day of rest, daybreak, daydream, daydreamer.
Cutting tool, cycle, cyclic, cyclone, cylinder, cymbal, cynic, cynical, cynicism, czar, czarina, dab, dabble, dabbler, dad, daddy, daft, dagger, daily, daily journal, daintiness, dainty, dairy dessert, dais.
Vale. Valley, hollow.
Woman. Broad, bird, chick, wench.
Damn, damn with faint praise, damnable, damnation, damned, damning, damp, dampen, damper, dampness, damsel, dance, dander, dandy, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank, dankness, dapper, dapple, dappled.
Challenge, risk, endanger. Brave, meet, confront, defy, oppose, scorn, resist. Stake, hazard, speculate. Make bold, venture.
Stupor, confuse. Bewilderment, muddle, confusion, astonishment, distraction. Stun, amaze, stupefy, perplex, dazzle, puzzle, confound.
Dutiful, duty, dwarf, dwarfed, dwarfish, dwell, dwell on, dweller, dwelling, dwindle, dwindling, dyad, dye, dying, dynamic, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dysentery, elite, emigre, each, each in his own way, each year.
Ravel, raven, ravening, ravenous, ravine, raving, ravish, ravisher, raw, rawhide, rawness, ray, ray of moonlight, raze, regime, reach, reach a conclusion, reach a destination, reach beyond, reach orgasm, react, reaction, reactionary, read.
Brimming, occupied, abundant, broad, resonant, loose, mature. Teeming, big, laden, brimful, voluminous, saturated, jam-packed. Assigned, reserved, taken. Complete, copious, ample, bounteous, plentiful, plenteous, sufficient. Unlimited, extensive. Rounded, throaty, deep, loud. Flapping, baggy, flowing. Grown, entire, complete.
Blooming, blooper, blossom, blot, blot out, blotch, blotter, blotting out, bow, blow out, blow up, blow with the foot, blower, blowing, blown away, blowout, blubber, blubbery, bludgeon, blue, blue-blooded, blueness, blueprint, blues.
Ring, ring-shaped, ring up, ringing ringlet, rink, rinse, riot, rioter, riotous, rip, rip-off, ripe, ripen, riposte, ripped, ripping, ripple, riptide, rise, rising, risk, risky, risque.
Ring up, ringing ringlet, rink, rinse, riot, rioter, riotous, rip, rip-off, ripe, ripen, riposte, ripped, ripping, ripple, riptide, rise, rising, risk, risky, risque, risque', rite.
Loosening, loot, looter, lop, lop off, lope, lopsided, loquacious, loquacity, lord, lord's day, lord it over, lordly, lore, lose, lose blood, loser, loss, losses, lost, lot, lotion, loud, loud cry.
Established mode of speech, establishing, establishment, estate, esteem, esteemed, estimable, estimate, estimating, estimation, estrange, estranged, estrangement, estuary, etch, etch letters in metal, etching, eternal, eternal life, eternally, eternity, ethanol, ether, ethereal.
Estimate, estimating, estimation, estrange, estranged, estrangement, estuary, etch, etch letters in metal, etching, eternal, eternal life, eternally, eternity, ethanol, ether, ethereal, etherealness, ethical, ethics, ethnic, ethnic, ethnic group, etiolate, etiquette.
Caress. Touch, embrace, cuddle, nuzzle, stroke, snuggle, graze.
Predict. Forebode, anticipate, divine, augur, foresee, forecast.
Anatomization, anatomize, anatomy, ancestor, ancestral, ancestry, anchor, anchorage, ancient, ancient artifact, ancient times, ancillary, and, andiron, anecdote, anemic, anesthetic, anesthetize, anesthetized, anew, angel, angelic, anger, angered.
Anatomization, anatomize, anatomy, ancestor, ancestral, ancestry, anchor, anchorage, ancient, ancient artifact, ancient times, ancillary, and, andiron, anecdote, anemic, anesthetic, anesthetize, anesthetized, anew, angel, angelic, anger, angered.
Anatomization, anatomize, anatomy, ancestor, ancestral, ancestry, anchor, anchorage, ancient, ancient artifact, ancient times, ancillary, and, andiron, anecdote, anemic, anesthetic, anesthetize, anesthetized, anew, angel, angelic, anger, angered.
Anniversary, annotate, annotation, announce, announce publicly, announcement, annoy, annoyance, annoyed, annoying, annual, annuity, annul, annulment, anodyne, anoint, anointing, anomalous, anomaly, anonymous, another, answer, answerability, answerable.
Ire, provoke. Wrath, rage, animosity, passion, fury, hostility.
Anatomic, anatomization, anatomize, anatomy, ancestor, ancestral, ancestry, anchor, anchorage, ancient, ancient artifact, ancient times, ancillary, and, andiron, anecdote, anemic, anesthetic, anesthetize, anesthetized, anew, angel, angelic, anger.
Annoy, annoyance, annoyed, annoying, annual, annuity, annul, annulment, anodyne, anoint, anointing, anomalous, anomaly, anonymous, another, answer, answerability, answerable, answering, antacid, antagonism, antagonist, antagonistic, antagonize.
Step in, step lively, step on, step on it, step up, steps, stereotype, stereotyped, sterile, sterility, sterilize, sterilizing, sterling, stern, stew, steward, stick, stick on, stick out, stick together, sticker, sticking, stickle, sticky.
Rod. Cane, pole, club, bar, staff, wand.
Stealth, stealthily, stealthy, steam, steaming, steamship, steamy, steel, steel guitar, steelyard, steep, steep in water, steer, steersman, stem, stench, stentorian, step, step in, step lively, step on, step on it, step up, steps.
Stoppage, stopper, stopping, store, storehouse, storm, storming, stormy, story, story in a building, story line, storyteller, stout, stoutness, stow, straddle, strafe, straggle, straight, straight line, straightaway, straighten, straighten out, straighten up.
Steadfastness, steadily, steady, steal, stealing, stealth, stealthily, stealthy, steam, steaming, steamship, steamy, steel, steel guitar, steelyard, steep, steep in water, steer, steersman, stem, stench, stentorian, step, step in.
Stealth, stealthily, stealthy, steam, steaming, steamship, steamy, steel, steel guitar, steelyard, steep, steep in water, steer, steersman, stem, stench, stentorian, step, step in, step lively, step on, step on it, step up, steps.
Stature, status, status quo, statute, statutory, staunch, stave, staved off, stay, stay afloat, staying alive, steadfast, steadfastly, steadfastness, steadily, steady, steal, stealing, stealth, stealthily, stealthy, steam, steaming, steamship.
Stay, stay afloat, staying alive, steadfast, steadfastly, steadfastness, steadily, steady, steal, stealing, stealth, stealthily, stealthy, steam, steaming, steamship, steamy, steel, steel guitar, steelyard, steep, steep in water, steer, steersman.
Restraint, restrain, become angry. Check, leash, control, curb, governor, halter. Repress, check, slacken, control, curb, govern. Ruffle.
Bowl, bowsprit, box, boxer, boxing, boy, boycott, boyfriend, boyish, brace, bracelet, bracing, bracket, brackish, brag, braggadocio, braggart, bragging, braid, brain, brainchild, brainless, brains, brainwash.
Breathless, breathtaking, breed, breeding, breeding animal, breeze, breezy, brevity, brew, bribe, bribe to ensure silence, bribery, brick, bridal gift, bridegroom, bridge, bridle, brief, brief encounter, brief excess, brief rainstorm, briefing, briefly, briefness.
Range, ranging, rangy, rank, rank and file, rankle, ransack, ransom, rant, ranting, rap, rapacious, rapacity, rape, rapid, rapidity, rapidly, rapids, rapine, rapist, rapport, rapprochement, rapt, rapture.
Rarely, rarity, rascal, rascality, rash, rashness, rasp, raspberry, rasping, rat, ratchet, rate, rate of occurence, rate scholastically, rather, ratification, ratified, ratify, ratio, ratiocination, ration, rational, rationale, rationalism.
Talk wildly, praise. Gush, jabber, rant, babble, rage, rail.
Raider, rail, rail at, railing, raillery, railroad, rain, rain gauge, rain gutter, rainbow-colored, rainless, rainy, raise, raised, rake, rakish, rally, ram, ramble, rambler, rambling, rambuctious, ramification, rampage.
Woman monarch, woman of good breeding, womankind, womanlike, womanly, wonder, wonder at, wonderful, wonderment, wondrous, wont, woo, wood, wood finishing, woodcut, wooden, woodlands, woods, wooer, woof, wooing, wool, woolly, word.
Woman monarch, woman of good breeding, womankind, womanlike, womanly, wonder, wonder at, wonderful, wonderment, wondrous, wont, woo, wood, wood finishing, woodcut, wooden, woodlands, woods, wooer, woof, wooing, wool, woolly, word.
Helmsman, help, help out, helper, helpful, helpfulness, helping, helpless, helter-skelter, hem, hem and haw, hence, henceforth, henchman, herald, Herculean, herd, hereafter, hereditary, heredity, hereinafter, heresy, heretic, heretofore.
Helmsman, help, help out, helper, helpful, helpfulness, helping, helpless, helter-skelter, hem, hem and haw, hence, henceforth, henchman, herald, Herculean, herd, hereafter, hereditary, heredity, hereinafter, heresy, heretic, heretofore.
Repay, repayment, repeal, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repel, repelled, repellent, repelling, repent, repentance, repentant, repercussion, repetition, repetitious, repetitive, rephrase, repine, replace, replaced, replacement, replant, replenish.
Repay, repayment, repeal, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repel, repelled, repellent, repelling, repent, repentance, repentant, repercussion, repetition, repetitious, repetitive, rephrase, repine, replace, replaced, replacement, replant, replenish.
Repay, repayment, repeal, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repel, repelled, repellent, repelling, repent, repentance, repentant, repercussion, repetition, repetitious, repetitive, rephrase, repine, replace, replaced, replacement, replant, replenish.
Repay, repayment, repeal, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repel, repelled, repellent, repelling, repent, repentance, repentant, repercussion, repetition, repetitious, repetitive, rephrase, repine, replace, replaced, replacement, replant, replenish.
Gossiping, Gothic, gotten better, gouge, gourmand, goumet, govern, governing, governing body, government, government officials, governmental, governor, gown, grab, grabbing, grace, graceful, gracefulness, graceless, gracious, gradation, grade, gradient.
Gravel, courage. Sand. Pluck, spirit, daring, fortitude, resolution.
Metal bars, rub, irk. Andiron, lattice, hearth. Grind, scour, abrade, scrape, shred, rasp. Irritate, nettle, vex, annoy, rankle.
Governing, governing body, government, govenment official, governmental, governor, gown, grab, grabbing, grace, graceful, gracefulness, graceless, gracious, gradaton, grade, gradient, gradual, gradually, graduate, graduate student, graduation, graduation ceremony, graffiti.
Griddle. Broiler, grill, barbecue.
Granted, granting, granulate, graph, graphic, graphic instrument, graphology, grapnel, grapple, grappling iron, grasp, grasping, grass, grassland, grate, grateful, gratefulness, gratification, gratified, gratify, gratifying, grating, gratis, gratitude.
Greatness, greed, greedy, greedy monster, Greek, green, greenhorn, greenhouse, greenness, greet, greeting, gregarious, gremlin, grenade, grid, griddle, grief, grievance, grieve, grieved, grieving, grievous, grill, grim.
Feed. Meal, forage, fodder, provender.
Color, having gray hair. Colorless, drab, dusky, ashen, leaden, neutral. Aged, old, decrepit, hoary, grizzly.